Climmie Mosley’s life revolves around the sizzle of the kitchen. For fifteen years, he diligently worked as a cook in a local restaurant, pouring his heart and soul into every dish he prepared. Despite his unwavering dedication, his meager wage barely kept his flames of hope burning.
But local donors, through SPARK Thomasville transformed his life.
Climmie is more than a cook; he is a bbq magician. He has a passion for a great experience around great bbq. Each weekend, the Mosley backyard became a lively barbecue haven, as Climmie, alongside his wife Ashley and their daughters, crafted mouthwatering dishes that the community lined up to buy.
Cars lined up through the neighborhood on Saturdays, and even on tranquil Sunday mornings after church. Yet, success brought its own set of challenges. Balancing his demanding restaurant job with the burgeoning barbecue business left him worn and weary.
Summoning courage, Climmie approached his employer for a raise. He got a raise, but it was minimal.
Undeterred, Climmie pressed on, three times asking for a raise that brought only a meager one-dollar-per-hour increase. Strangely, that modest raise ignited a fire within him for owning his own restaurant. With unwavering faith and a dream too potent to ignore, Climmie embarked on a journey that would redefine his destiny.
Climmie and Ashley joined Spark Thomasville's program for underestimated entrepreneurs.
Amid the tumult of a world shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic, Climmie and Ashley sought solace and support from Spark Thomasville. The program connected them with a business coach, resources, and training. The sessions were a lifeline.
Then, a twist of destiny occurred. The passing of a local restaurateur opened a door for Climmie and Ashley that they had never imagined. A commercial building with a big kitchen, a small seating area, and good takeout capacity became available. Convinced by the principles of Spark Thomasville, a local investor saw potential in Climmie’s dream and stepped forward to make it a reality. With the investor’s support, they secured the building and set the stage for the next chapter of their journey.
In the face of challenges posed by the pandemic, H&M Bar-B-Que and Soul Food emerged from the cocoon of Climmie and Ashley’s dreams. The aroma of smoked meats once again filled the air, but now it was accompanied by the clinking of cutlery and the joyful laughter of satisfied customers.
Thanks to the SPARK program and its donors, H&M Bar-B-Que flourished in ways Climmie, and Ashley had not dared to imagine. The doors of their restaurant became a gateway to opportunity. Soon, the business grew to a point where Ashley could leave her teaching job to join Climmie full time. Reflecting on their journey, Ashley remarks, “God closed one door while opening another for the business to expand. What a blessing!”
The Climmie and Ashley story is about more than just barbecue. Spark Thomasville enabled them to harness their potential and craft a legacy that now extends beyond themselves. With newfound resources, mentoring, and training, they blaze a trail that not only enriches their family’s future but also uplifts their community.
And as their journey unfolds, there is a silent chorus of gratitude to SPARK donors who made their start possible. Through their gifts, these donors paved the way for their dreams to materialize, their family to thrive, and for their community to flourish.